Sunday, October 18, 2015

What I know

I know lemonade tastes better when it's in a glass bottle
I know sunrises are more satisfying than sunsets
I know love hurts like nothing else but when it works out, it's worth it
I know losing someone is one of the worst feelings ever
I know understanding math is one of the best feelings ever
And so is having a clean room
I know most people don't realize how much I think about them
I know hard work pays off in the end
I know I sleep too little and dream too much
And when I happen to see a shooting star, or 11:11, maybe it's not magical but it sure is a special moment 
I know life gets rough
And people get mean
And things get hard
But I know that no matter what
It can only get better 


  1. I'm in love with every single line.

  2. "I know sunrises are more satisfying than sunsets"

    And all the other lines too cause dang
