Monday, October 12, 2015

A Happy Post

Everyone says it's easier to write about sad things
But I don't know if I believe that
So this is for you Nelson
Because I know how much you'll enjoy it
The other day the lady in front of me at the grocery store gave me $20 for no reason other than to be kind
One day I never hit a single red light
I got the highest score on my math test that I've gotten in four years
A car backed into mine... And we both drove off without a scratch
A random newly wed couple at the temple paid for my $120 parking ticket
My sister cleaned my entire room and did all my laundry
Every Wednesday I get to work with my crush
I found 6 pennies heads up one day
And some people might think I just get lucky a lot
But I know that's not the case
I don't believe in coincidence 
Or chance
I believe in reason
And fate 
And I blame myself for everything that happens in my life