Sunday, October 25, 2015


10 years 
Since I moved 
And back then I didn't realize the fear of different schools
New friends
Big changes

10 months 
Since I realized friends come and go
And back then I realized the fear of 
Eating lunch alone and
Spending weekends at home

10 weeks 
Since I started a new year
And I didn't understand the fear
Of colleges 
And money

10 days 
Since mid-fall break
And I was terrified of
End of term 
Disappointing my team
Losing friends

10 hours 
Since a nice Sunday afternoon
And I was scared to text a boy
And letting my parents down

10 minutes 
Since I started on this post 
And I'm afraid it won't be good enough
And people will just think I'm a tourist

10 seconds 
Since I tried so hard
To not be afraid 
Of things I can't change 

10 letters
That I hated to admit
But I think we all feel this way sometimes


Sunday, October 18, 2015

What I know

I know lemonade tastes better when it's in a glass bottle
I know sunrises are more satisfying than sunsets
I know love hurts like nothing else but when it works out, it's worth it
I know losing someone is one of the worst feelings ever
I know understanding math is one of the best feelings ever
And so is having a clean room
I know most people don't realize how much I think about them
I know hard work pays off in the end
I know I sleep too little and dream too much
And when I happen to see a shooting star, or 11:11, maybe it's not magical but it sure is a special moment 
I know life gets rough
And people get mean
And things get hard
But I know that no matter what
It can only get better 

Monday, October 12, 2015

A Happy Post

Everyone says it's easier to write about sad things
But I don't know if I believe that
So this is for you Nelson
Because I know how much you'll enjoy it
The other day the lady in front of me at the grocery store gave me $20 for no reason other than to be kind
One day I never hit a single red light
I got the highest score on my math test that I've gotten in four years
A car backed into mine... And we both drove off without a scratch
A random newly wed couple at the temple paid for my $120 parking ticket
My sister cleaned my entire room and did all my laundry
Every Wednesday I get to work with my crush
I found 6 pennies heads up one day
And some people might think I just get lucky a lot
But I know that's not the case
I don't believe in coincidence 
Or chance
I believe in reason
And fate 
And I blame myself for everything that happens in my life 

Sunday, October 11, 2015

If Bricks Could Speak

"Get away from me, you're squishing me"
"Wait put me up higher! I can't see anything!"
"Can everyone get off of me?? I can't breathe!" 
"Help! I'm about to fall!" 
"Where are you taking me? I've never been here before!" 
"Hey, you're cute! And so are you! And you! You guys all look the same!" 
"What is this stuff you're putting on me? It feels gross"
"Hmm... Why is that guy across the street breaking that window?" 
"I wish I was part of that cool painted wall!"
"Hey stop, I think that's illegal. Stop spraying that on me! GRAFFITI IS NOT ALLOWED!" 
"Hey excuse me, I have an itch on my back that I can't reach. Oh, you can't reach it either? Can anyone?" 
"Glad I can help support your house" 
"Why is that dog peeing on me??"
"Hmm well this got boring after ten minutes..."
"Thanks for always coming up in the morning sun!"

Sunday, October 4, 2015

They asked

They asked if I believed in love at first sight
Of course I did
I said
Isn't it obvious?
Have you ever driven up the canyon right after a thunderstorm
And everything is so green 
And the fog is only letting you see
Bits and pieces 
Of this masterpiece 
And that is why I love the canyon
Then they said
Well have you ever been IN love?
And I said of course!
I'm in love with life
That is why I get out of bed as early as I can in the morning
Because I don't want to miss a single second of life
That is why I can't wait for Monday's
Because it means the beginning of a new week 
And then they said this-
But what about true love? 
And I simply answered
All love is true
If it's not true, it's not real
And real love is the only love that exists