Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Act

Here's the video my group made for the Writers Paris Film Festival. Thanks to Courtney Rome, Mountain Nomad, Kurt Cobain and Madison Larsen.

Lost in Her Reverie

I won't even be in class on Friday to watch the film festival but here's the video I helped my friend Sam make for it. Lost in Her Reverie shows what people daydream about, including memories, fears, accomplishments, hopes, regrets, wishes and love. What do you daydream about?

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Dear Violet Luster

Dear Violet Luster,
Thanks for giving me a blog to look forward to reading every week
It was the only one I've read every post on
And I'm so glad your name was the one I got
I've never painted a person before so I thought I'd try it out
And it didn't turn out too bad 
So enjoy my mediocre painting of you 
And keep up the great work on your blog!
Sincerely, Jesse Kristin
P.S. Your snapchat stories give me life :)))

Thursday, December 3, 2015


Optimists// We replace very sad thoughts. We add hope. Life has begun again. 

A Bright Future// The future will be the spotlight on the maps used to preserve man 
No Judging Zone// The people who are not judges tend to have a firm handle on the raw public 
Now// I can't afford waiting.
Slow Down// If it looks to good to be true... Slow down your experience (Bonus points if you can find the grammar error in this one) 
Eavesdroppers// It's awful tempting for a would-be eavesdropper to look for crowded places 
Carpe Diem// I am focused on seizing this year 

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Short Stories

Here's a list of songs
And next to them is a short story/memory of what they remind me of
I didn't think I had so many songs with so many memories

Affection// All-American Rejects: I filmed the cheesiest horror movie ever with Brynn Patten and we put this song in and it's not even a scary song 
Airplanes// B.o.b: I could rap this entire song in 6th grade and Spencer Shumway thought I was so cool because of it
Already Home// A Great Big World: Eliza Terry showed me this song in student council and I fell in love with it
Because We Can// Bon Jovi: Kyle Vinzant would always sing this song when he was around me and I memorized it word for word only because of how many times he played it in my car 
Best Day of My Life// American Authors: I helped Amy Miller film her student council video a and we put this song in and she won 
Change Your Mind// The Killers: Kevin Bigler had a crush on me in 9th grade and every time I heard this song, I imagined him singing it to me
Circle of Life// Lion King: This song makes me feel so ALIVE so I use it for my alarm clock to get excited for the days but it always terrifies me when I wake up to someone yelling "Ahhhhhhh sveyn yaaaa co no mitchie waaaaa!!!" 
Dirty Paws// Of Monsters and Men: Listened to this on repeat while I was up in Canada so now I always think f Canada 
Drop the World// Lil Wayne: My brother and I would listen to this song every Easter and then have rap battles in my basement 
House of Gold// 21 Pilots: Cam Jolley and I made cookies for Tucker Nixon on his birthday and we listened to this song 
I Need You// M83: I listened to this song when I first hopped on my bike and rode down the huge hill by my house to run away to Ogden
Just Keep Breathing// We the Kings: Olivia Torgersen and I rode 17 miles to Jake Taylor's house and had a jam session with him and learned this song 
Midnight City// M83: This one guy told me I was his soulmate and that we were going to get married and this was his favorite song so it makes me uncomfortable to listen to 
Me. Brightside// The Killers: Matt Barjenbruch told me I was the love of his life and I rejected him so he swore his head off at me but he still made me a CD for Christmas and it had this song on it 
Never Stop//Safety Suit: I had a "boyfriend" named Andrew Murphy and this was my favorite song at the time
You're Not the One// Chester See: When I broke up with him, he told me to listen to this song 
You'll Be Okay// A Great Big World: So I told him to listen to this song 
Rockstar// A Great Big World: my band played this in the ninth grade talent show. I was on triangle
Sing// My Chemical Romance: This is my running song because in the middle of it, the singer just yells "Keep running!" 
Oh Emily// Jukebox the Ghost: This song reminds me of myself because I could never be in a relationship, simply because I love everyone else too much 
Roller Coaster// Bleachers: I went to Disneyland with Emma Kronmiller and this reminds me of that trip
Geronimo// Sheppard: Meg Trout and I went to Lagoon three times over the summer and would always listen to this song 
Anna Sun// Walk the Moon: Every time I hear this song, I think of my friend Anna Hafen 
As We Ran// The National Parks: This reminds me of the video I made for English that was sooooo cool and had this song in it  

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

A letter to all my friends

Dear friends,
This might sound harsh but I'm changing things up a bit. I'm not going to try to be friends with you anymore. My HEART is not broken, but it's not whole either. It's spread between hundreds of people each wanting a part of it and I know it's good to share, but I still believe that I need to save some for myself. I've been too harsh on my HEART lately and I don't think it remembers what true love is which hurts my insides a little. It's been dragged and traded and lost and forgotten and now is the time to put it first. So if I don't invite you to hang out, or don't get you a birthday present, it's because I'm letting my HEART take it easy and I'm not giving it up so easily. Don't take it personally, I've just bitten off more than I can chew and part of that was you but I think it just means things won't be the same again. Friends, I love you with all my HEART but that is why I'm letting you go because if I can't give you all, then it's not worth the time. And I know I wasn't a huge part in your life because nobody cared enough to support me in what I love. So I know you can manage without me. Anyways, this is simply a letter letting you know I hope your life is filled with the people and things that make you feel alive and forget how to breathe. I'll still think about you every day. 
Sincerely, a person with too many friends 

EXPLANATION (that probably doesn't do it much justice but I'll give it a shot): this blog post is 100% for me and if you don't gain anything from it, that is fine with me because you're not supposed to. I just needed to get it off my chest and today I was finally brave enough to do so. (I hope). Also, I may sound like the most selfish, narcisstic, and ungrateful person out there but I think if you really knew my heart, you wouldn't think that anymore. I'm just trying to do what's best for my life. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Getting rid of should

NWhat if
We replaced the word "should"
With "it would be nice"
I think that would make our lives a lot better
Because instead of saying
I should go to bed soon
I'd say, it would be nice if I went to bed soon 
And it would be nice!
Doesn't that make you want to do something just a little more?
It's not forceful at all
It's just a friendly suggestion
But it sounds really nice! 
It would be nice if I did my homework
It would be nice if I ate healthier
It would be nice if I complimented him
I think I'll stop saying the word should 

Sunday, November 8, 2015


I promised myself I'd never write a sad post
But when you get HURTS on your blue ticket 
It's kind of hard to avoid
I also promised my mom I'd work on being home on time
And I promised my friend I'd hang out with her
I promised my brother I'd call him more often because we never talk anymore
Looks like I'm not very good at keeping promises
And it HURTS
I try, I really do
But when you're trying to call your brother, and hang out with your friend, and be home on time, it's hard to keep promises
You know what else HURTS??
Stubbing your toe
Especially when you're at a friends house
And you don't want to just fall on the ground writhing in pain
But the pain! 
Man does it HURT!
Slow down
The pain will go away
And it won't HURT anymore
It won't (hurt) anymore
Because this is not a sad post
And this week I will be home on time
And I will call my brother 
And I will hang out with my friend
And I will keep my promises because 
I'm talking to you here
The person reading this
This is a week of new beginnings 
And much-needed endings
And keeping promises 
And a week of hope
And joy
And raking leaves to appreciate fall
So when your body or heart or soul is 
so much
If you don't ever feel pain
You won't ever know happiness
It'll all make sense eventually 

Sunday, November 1, 2015

How to tell if I like you

If I always ignore you because I'm too scared to say anything to you
If you ask me to hang out with you last minute and I say yes (because 92% of the time it means I canceled plans with someone else to hang out with you)
If I text you random questions that I could easily figure out on my own 
If I try to get to know your friends/ask them to hang out 
If I tell you any of my secrets 
If I ask for a picture with you at one point
If I stay up late texting you or text you a lot because I do not like wasting time texting 
If I don't introduce you to any of my friends 
If you ask for a favor and I go above and beyond to do it for you 
If you ask me and I say yes 

Sunday, October 25, 2015


10 years 
Since I moved 
And back then I didn't realize the fear of different schools
New friends
Big changes

10 months 
Since I realized friends come and go
And back then I realized the fear of 
Eating lunch alone and
Spending weekends at home

10 weeks 
Since I started a new year
And I didn't understand the fear
Of colleges 
And money

10 days 
Since mid-fall break
And I was terrified of
End of term 
Disappointing my team
Losing friends

10 hours 
Since a nice Sunday afternoon
And I was scared to text a boy
And letting my parents down

10 minutes 
Since I started on this post 
And I'm afraid it won't be good enough
And people will just think I'm a tourist

10 seconds 
Since I tried so hard
To not be afraid 
Of things I can't change 

10 letters
That I hated to admit
But I think we all feel this way sometimes


Sunday, October 18, 2015

What I know

I know lemonade tastes better when it's in a glass bottle
I know sunrises are more satisfying than sunsets
I know love hurts like nothing else but when it works out, it's worth it
I know losing someone is one of the worst feelings ever
I know understanding math is one of the best feelings ever
And so is having a clean room
I know most people don't realize how much I think about them
I know hard work pays off in the end
I know I sleep too little and dream too much
And when I happen to see a shooting star, or 11:11, maybe it's not magical but it sure is a special moment 
I know life gets rough
And people get mean
And things get hard
But I know that no matter what
It can only get better 

Monday, October 12, 2015

A Happy Post

Everyone says it's easier to write about sad things
But I don't know if I believe that
So this is for you Nelson
Because I know how much you'll enjoy it
The other day the lady in front of me at the grocery store gave me $20 for no reason other than to be kind
One day I never hit a single red light
I got the highest score on my math test that I've gotten in four years
A car backed into mine... And we both drove off without a scratch
A random newly wed couple at the temple paid for my $120 parking ticket
My sister cleaned my entire room and did all my laundry
Every Wednesday I get to work with my crush
I found 6 pennies heads up one day
And some people might think I just get lucky a lot
But I know that's not the case
I don't believe in coincidence 
Or chance
I believe in reason
And fate 
And I blame myself for everything that happens in my life 

Sunday, October 11, 2015

If Bricks Could Speak

"Get away from me, you're squishing me"
"Wait put me up higher! I can't see anything!"
"Can everyone get off of me?? I can't breathe!" 
"Help! I'm about to fall!" 
"Where are you taking me? I've never been here before!" 
"Hey, you're cute! And so are you! And you! You guys all look the same!" 
"What is this stuff you're putting on me? It feels gross"
"Hmm... Why is that guy across the street breaking that window?" 
"I wish I was part of that cool painted wall!"
"Hey stop, I think that's illegal. Stop spraying that on me! GRAFFITI IS NOT ALLOWED!" 
"Hey excuse me, I have an itch on my back that I can't reach. Oh, you can't reach it either? Can anyone?" 
"Glad I can help support your house" 
"Why is that dog peeing on me??"
"Hmm well this got boring after ten minutes..."
"Thanks for always coming up in the morning sun!"

Sunday, October 4, 2015

They asked

They asked if I believed in love at first sight
Of course I did
I said
Isn't it obvious?
Have you ever driven up the canyon right after a thunderstorm
And everything is so green 
And the fog is only letting you see
Bits and pieces 
Of this masterpiece 
And that is why I love the canyon
Then they said
Well have you ever been IN love?
And I said of course!
I'm in love with life
That is why I get out of bed as early as I can in the morning
Because I don't want to miss a single second of life
That is why I can't wait for Monday's
Because it means the beginning of a new week 
And then they said this-
But what about true love? 
And I simply answered
All love is true
If it's not true, it's not real
And real love is the only love that exists 

Monday, September 28, 2015

To Do List:

-Call an old friend and tell them how amazing they are and just talk and latch up and let them know you love them
-Go on a drive through the city or the canyon right at sunset or before the sun rises and blast your music and feel alive
-Clean your room and your car and your mouth and your inbox. I promise it feels good
-Say hello to your lab partner in the hallways even if you're not good friends because who knows maybe they just want a hello
-Ace your calc test and English essay and win your game and competition and be proud of all the hard work you put into it!
-Ask your teacher's how their day is going and what's new. Just because they're older than you doesn't mean you can't be friends 
-Compliment your mom on how great she looks in her new pair of jeans like "dang, you look 29 in those!"
-Have a one person dance party, jam out, show off your moves because your mirror will most definitely be impressed!
-Set your alarm twenty minutes early and spend that time meditating and make yourself a delicious breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast and your day will be great! 
-Stop at the store on your way home and buy your sister a candy bar or Chapstick or a cool action figure and it will make her day! 
-Go a whole hour/day/month/year without saying ANYTHING bad about anyone else 

Sunday, September 27, 2015

My Favorite Word

The action of never treating another person in a manner that would make them feel small. 


I took the how human are you quiz
And got 92%
Take that Nelson
And I feel like I'm mostly, if not all the way human 
But then I look at other people
And I feel different from them
And I wonder
Am I the human
Or are they? 
Because I don't cry over break ups and friends
And I don't listen to sad songs to try to comfort me when I'm down
Because where's the logic in that?
But it seems like everyone does it so maybe their right?
And when someone makes me angry
I don't swear at them or ignore them 
I make them cookies 
Or bring them a fresh peach pie
Like the time the mean office lady dress coded me
Or when my best friend didn't invite me to her party
But nobody else does that so maybe I'm wrong 
And I'm not afraid of anything
And I never get stressed
And here I am surrounded by fearful and stressed out people
And I think I'm the coolest person ever and never think bad of myself
While everyone else out there is being so hard on themselves 
And when I don't like something, I change it
And when I'm not having a good time, I leave
And when I want something, I get it
But I just feel like nobody else is doing that
And I love my life and school and every single person out there
But everyone else seems to be complaining and hating on life and school and every single person out there 
Maybe I just don't understand 
Maybe humans aren't supposed to be happy or love life? 
But I like it like that so I'll keep doing what I'm doing
And if I am the human here, then I'll keep being human
Or maybe I just don't like sad songs 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


"You only live once" 
Said those kids 
As they told me to risk it
To do something crazy
Haha what a lie
What a small thought for a small mind
Doesn't the world understand?
You live every day 
You live every second
And every moment 
And every time you take a breath
You're living
And it's not a one time thing
When you're at the top of a roller coaster
About to drop 
And you freeze 
And try to breathe 
Because you just lived
A moment that might only happen once
Or when you get a call
You hear your best friend's voice
And it's not the same 
And they tell you
"Horrible accident"
"Totaled car"
And you freeze but then you hear
"Nobody's hurt" 
And you can breathe again
And you're grateful they can live again
And you're grateful you can live some more

Or moments when it's pouring rain
And you and your friends get in your cars
And it won't start
So there you are 
In the pouring rain
Covered in trash bags because nobody has jackets
And those happened to be in your trunk 
And red goes on positive
Black goes on negative
And it's your first time without an adult
And you're afraid of sparks
For the first time in your life 
But when both engines start
And no sparks fly
You breathe 
And laugh 
Because you're wearing a trash bag
In the pouring rain
And somehow still managed to get soaking wet
And you're surrounded by friends
And gained a good story
You're glad you can live
And experience life 
So don't take it for granted 
But don't worry about the bad things or messing up 
Because it's just another part of life
And at the end of the day
Or week 
Or year
You've lived so many times
And so many moments
And you know
You don't only live once 

Sunday, September 13, 2015


I think it's funny that when we're sad, we cry but when we're happy, our bodies literally don't know what to do. We can smile and laugh but it doesn't express ourselves as much as crying when we're sad. I think the only explanation for this is that we must pass our happiness on. We must share our happiness with others, serve and help and create happy memories with people and that is the only way to truly express your happiness. So next time you're feeling on top of the world, I ask of you, please share that feeling with someone else

Friday, September 11, 2015


"Can I hold the sky in my hands?"
Reality says no but I say go for it 
And if the stars slip between 
Your fingers, let them go 
Open your palms wide 
Notice the light that is
Slowly escaping, and set it free 

Sunday, September 6, 2015


I remember the day my brother discovered what was inside of a pine cone 
It was a small green seed
But by the look on his face you would've though he discovered America or something!
Because I swear for the next hour he went up to every person he could find and told them about his incredible discovery
Seriously the smile on his face 
And the way he jumped around
Doesn't that reassure you a little? 
Just the fact that a 6 year old can get so much joy out of a pine cone
Doesn't that make you feel a little better? Like you don't need to discover America or win a million dollars to be happy
A small green seed can be all it takes
Isn't that reassuring? 

Thursday, September 3, 2015

No Hats

"No hats" read the sign, along with no drugs and no weapons.
Don't know how hats can fit in the same category as drugs and weapons but I guess that's how it is when you go to court
And there I was with a druggie on my left, a thief on my right, and a man behind me accused for domestic violence
Don't know how I ended up in the same room as these people but I guess that's how it is when you go to court
I've never said "yes sir" and "no sir" more in my life
And never once had I called anyone "your honor" until then
I should've gotten Gov and Cit credit for sitting in that courtroom
I think I learned more about government and citizenship in there than I have in any classroom
and I'm still curious about the girl sitting in the back of the courtroom
I left before I could hear her story
Was she just a kid like me?
Did she notice the "No hats" sign when she walked in?

Thursday, August 27, 2015

So Let Us Create

Life is a combined effort, not a singular act that we can get through with slow motions and quiet whispers. As small as the cells in our bodies that work together to keep our lungs breathing that ever so precious air and our hearts pumping, just excited to be alive. And as big as the stars that rotate in the sky and move together to continue helping the universe expand, we as a human race are made to help each other. So let us create. Let us create happiness and unity and support and kindness because helping each other is unavoidable. It's in our bones, in our souls, and this is hopefully my tiny contribution to the giant web of helpfulness towards each other and for myself. So read and feel and ponder and dream and I hope you can gain as much from this blog as I will.